How to Successfully Transition Your Cat to a New Litter

How to Successfully Transition Your Cat to a New Litter

We’ve all been there. We run out of our usual cat litter, run to the nearest store, and purchase whatever cat litter brand or type they have available. Go home, fill the box, and don’t give it a second thought.

Well, I can assure you that your cat may have a thought or two regarding this new cat litter occupying its box. It smells different, it feels different, and your little feline friend may decide that he or she will have none of it. What happens next? You’re picking up cat poop and cleaning cat pee everywhere in the house except the cat litter box. 

It’s quite simple to introduce a new litter box to your cat with success. But it’s important to keep a few things in mind when switching your cat’s litter brand or type. We all want to avoid upsetting kitty and consequently finding little gifts in inappropriate places in the house. 

Make Life Easier for You and Your Cat During Litter Transition

So how do you transition your cat to a new litter box?  Cats are creatures of habit. Litter transition can be stressful for them. Help your cat get used to its new litter brand or type and life will be good for every party involved.

Introducing the new litter slowly will assure a successful transition. 


Layer ⅓ of the new litter on the bottom of the litter box. Cover with ⅔ of kitty’s old litter. No need to mix the contents, your cat will naturally do that when he or she uses the box.


When the time comes for the next litter box change, cover the new litter with less of the cat’s current litter. Repeat this process a few more times, adding less and less of the old litter to the box every time.


When you feel that your cat is ready to accept the new litter, remove the old litter completely.


Observe your cat’s behavior regarding the new cat litter and check for any picky or unusual behaviors. Excessive scratching or aversion to getting in the box may be signs that your cat needs more adaptation time.


Be patient!

If you have more than one litter box in the house, do these steps for all of them at the same time. The cat won’t even notice that there is a transition going on if you take your time and do it gradually.

When to Switch Your Cat's Litter

There are a few reasons why you may want to switch your cat’s litter. 

  • The litter brand that you normally buy is no longer available.

  • Your cat is having avoidance issues with the existing litter and is relieving itself outside of the box.
  • You want to switch to a new type of litter. For example, from non-clumping to clumping.
  • You want to start using a more responsible and green kitty litter.

Helpful Tip: Try to choose a time when there is nothing else stressful happening in your cat’s life. Changing the litter type during a house move is probably not a good idea.

Things to Avoid When Changing Cat Litter Type

There are a few basic litter box rules to follow when introducing a litter box to a new cat. Remember that the same rules apply when transitioning the type or brand of litter.

  • Don’t make a big deal out of it.
  • Don’t get nervous, your cat will sense this.
  • Take your time.
  • Keep the litter box as clean as possible. Scoop several times a day.
  • Don’t move the box to a new place during the transition.

What Should I look for in a New Litter

You may want to look at other options when your current litter box is bringing you a lot of extra work. Also, you may want to switch the litter if it’s causing unpleasant smells, is polluting the environment, or emits too much dust which can make you or your cat ill.  Or maybe you simply feel like there must be something better out there.

All the reasons above are valid reasons to want to switch litter for your cat. 

Some litters are softer on the cat’s paws, easy to dig in, and contain no artificial perfumes or smells. Some are even eco-friendly, completely flushable, and can be delivered to your door every month.

The Advantages of Switching Cat Litter

Not all cat litters are created equal. The traditional litters may contain perfumes and other non-essential additives that can cause health issues for you and/or your cat. More and more cat owners are switching to more natural options for health concerns and environmental issues.

Natural litters are made without using chemical additives which makes them safe for kitty, for you and your family, and for the environment. 

SoyKitty litter is new, environmentally responsible cat ownership. Zero dust, clumps instantly, amazing odor control, 100% flushable, and delivered on auto-ship. No more trips to the store, carrying heavy bags, cleaning up dust, or throwing away stinky litter.

Switching litter for your cat shouldn't be a hassle. When done gradually, It will be easy to transition your cat from its current litter type to SoyKitty. Just follow the simple tips and tricks we mentioned and kitty will be healthy and you will be happy knowing that you are making a wise decision for kitty’s health and for the environment.

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