Lineart illustration of a litter box with a scooper next to it. The text "12"x16"" appears above, indicating the recommended litter box size

How Much Litter Do I Need?

  • For a standard litter box (12"x16"), use one bag of SoyKitty to fill the box 2-3 inches deep.
  • For larger litter boxes, use two bags for ideal coverage.
  • No extra deodorizers needed – SoyKitty’s natural odor control is all you need!
Lineart illustration of a SoyKitty litter bag in an airy and clean space, with wind lines around it.

How to Store

  • Keep unused litter in a dry, ventilated area.
  • No airtight container needed—SoyKitty’s pest-resistant formula keeps bugs away naturally!
Lineart illustration of a hand holding a scooper, lifting a clump from a litter box.

Scoop Clumps Effortlessly

  • Clean the litter box daily (or twice a day for extra freshness).
  • Dispose of clumps in a compost bin, biodegradable trash bag, or flush them easily—SoyKitty breaks down in water.
A lineart drawing of hands pouring SoyKitty litter from a bag into a litter box.

Keep It Full

  • As the litter level lowers, top it off with leftover litter. Maintain a depth of 2”-3” of litter for optimal results.
  • One bag lasts one cat up to a month, even with regular use!
Lineart illustration of a SoyKitty litter bag placed next to a litter box.

Fresh Litter, Fresh Start

  • At the end of the month, empty and clean the litter box with hot water, vinegar, and lemon juice. Dry thoroughly.
  • Refill with a fresh bag of SoyKitty for another month of natural, worry-free freshness.

Ready to make the switch to SoyKitty?

Get an all-natural, plant-based cat litter that’s tough on odors, not on the planet.

Make the Switch