Cats are notoriously tight-lipped when it comes to their health. From an evolutionary perspective, showing weakness could lead to becoming prey, so symptoms were masked, and discomfort hidden. While this behavior was helpful when trying to ward off predators in the wild, it’s less so nowadays when (you, his or her owner) is trying to determine how they're feeling. Though stoic by nature, there are a number of tell-tale signs you can look out for that will indicate whether your kitty is on top of the world or under the weather. These signs do vary according to the animal though so the better you know your cat and its habits, the better placed you’ll be to work out if something is going right or wrong. So here are some tips to help you pick whether your puss is happy, stressed, or sick; a guide to speaking cat, if you will!
Signs Your Cat is Happy

Contented cats have relaxed body language, sitting with their paws tucked underneath them, tail tucked or trailing, and eyes half-closed. These positions show comfort and also trust of the situation they’re in.
Also indicating trust is the ever-confusing tummy rub invitation. We’ve all been there, right? Kitty rolls onto its back and offers up a tummy for scratching, however, on receipt of said scratches, will claw and bite its way out of there! Well… that’s because the exposed tummy is to show you trust and comfort, not an invitation to touch. Kneading its owner while settling down, on the other hand, evokes memories of being a suckling kitten, so this one is definitely a sign of happiness.
Happy cats are purrers too. If your cat is purring at normal times (when relaxing, when being petted, when eating) then this is a good sign. There are occasions that purring is to self-soothe in times of stress or injury, so just keep an ear out for any changes to habits in this regard.
A playful cat is a happy cat. If you’ve given your puss plenty to do to keep it entertained and engage in activities with it, then it’ll be stimulated and content. If your cat tries to initiate play with you by batting a sheathed clawed paw, or peeking out from under couches or beds, it’s having fun and enjoys your company.
Finally, happy cats have healthy appetites - though a wilier cat may have just worked out that refusing its least favorites will result in the provision of tastier treat!
10 Quick Signs Your Cat is Happy
- Purring: When your kitty is purring away, it's usually a sign of pure bliss, especially when combined with relaxed body language.
- Chirruping: Some cats make a delightful chirrup or trill sound, often inviting you to follow them or asking for affection—definitely a happy kitty signal.
- Chatty: A happy cat will greet you with a meow and might even hold a conversation, showing they enjoy your company.
- Healthy Appetite: Happy cats eat well and often have set mealtime routines with their humans.
- Properly Grooming: Cats that groom themselves or even groom you in plain sight are comfortable and content in their environment.
- Kneading: When your cat kneads their paws on you, their bed, or a blanket, it’s a throwback to kittenhood and a sure sign they’re feeling good.
- Playful: Happy cats are playful, engaging with toys, other pets, and people. They might bat at a toy or chase a feather with delight.
- Relaxed Body Language: A relaxed cat will stretch out, show their belly, or loaf with their paws tucked under.
- Tail Up: An upright tail with a slight curve at the end or a gentle swish is a telltale sign of a happy cat.
- Snuggles: Whether your cat loves lap time, sleeping next to you, or giving you head boops, these are all ways they show affection and happiness.
Signs Your Cat is Stressed

Stress is not just a human condition. Cats can feel it too, both acute and chronic. Though we can’t manage every source of acute stress, like a sudden loud noise or unexpected perceived threat, we can take big steps toward reducing the causes of chronic stress. These include making sure you have plenty of hiding spaces, high-up perches, water bowls and litter boxes to go around (as many as the number of cats you have, plus one more). It can also mean allowing your cat to lead on social interaction. Being physical with a timid cat is not going to help it relax in your presence or home.
The signs of stress can be tricky to spot, so knowing your cat well is crucial for noticing something’s up. Many of the indicators of stress manifest in changes in personality. So a reclusive cat may become more needy, while a social cat may withdraw. Patterns of behavior are the key to spotting if your cat is uncomfortable about something. These can include, but aren’t limited to, excessive scratching, over-grooming, face rubbing, increased aggression or unwillingness to play.
Toilet habits can be a primary giveaway of how your cat’s feeling. Inappropriate urination or defecation (outside the litter box) can show that your cat is not comfortable enough to use the facilities offered. This can be an indicator of sickness as well, so paying a visit to the vet is worth it in either case. Urine spraying indoors (urinating on vertical surfaces) is behavioral and can usually be linked to stress.
How to Tell if Your Cat is Sick

The one that we all dread is this final section - when your cat is unwell. By the time they reach this stage (where you notice that something’s wrong), they can be quite sick.
The first indicator is their coat. A cat that’s feeling rough lets its grooming slide. Matted, unkempt fur can be an indication that your cat is too tired or uncomfortable to take care of itself. On the other hand, over-grooming can also mean they’re not feeling good. An allergic reaction can be to blame, though this can also be one of the indicators of chronic stress I touched on above. And shedding lots of fur can be caused by illness too.
Eating habits are good yardsticks for kitty’s health. A loss in appetite, and subsequent loss in weight, can point to a range of different illnesses, some serious. Stroking your cat from shoulders to tail allows you to feel any difference in prominence of ribs, spine, and hips. A greatly increased appetite, or a weight gain without corresponding appetite increase, can similarly mean an unhealthy cat.
If your cat’s breath has become unusually unbearable, this can be a sign of dental issues but also internal complaints, such as with the kidneys. Lastly, cats aren’t big drinkers normally, usually getting most of their needs from their food. A noticeably increased thirst can be a sign that something is up.
For any and all of these symptoms, take your cat to see the vet. They’ll help kitty get back on its paws, and you’ll be feeling a lot better too!
Cats are individuals, just like people, so there’s no one-size-fits-all for translating their behavior. While there are some pretty universal signs of a happy kitty, they are also all subject to the personality of the cat itself!
Cats are great pretenders, so don’t wait for them to meet a checklist of symptoms before taking action, as they might never display them! If you’re worried about changes in your cat’s behavior, head to the vet. They can work with you to get a proper picture of its physical and mental health.
Wrap it Up
While cats can't verbalize their needs, they communicate through their behavior and body language, providing us with valuable insights into how they’re feeling. As their caretakers, it's our responsibility to learn and interpret these signals to understand them as best as possible. By paying attention to their subtle cues and behaviors, we can ensure our kitties remain happy, healthy, and well cared for, strengthening the bond we share with them and building trust along the way.
What are the common signs of a happy cat?
Happy cats exhibit relaxed body language, purring, and playful behavior. They also have a healthy appetite and engage in kneading.
What are the signs of a stressed cat?
Signs of stress in cats include changes in behavior, personality, excessive grooming, inappropriate urination, and increased aggression. Read more about stress in cats and what you can do about it, here.
What are the signs that my cat is sick?
Indicators of a sick cat include changes in grooming habits, appetite, weight, and thirst, as well as bad breath. If you see any of these signs, please consult your veterinarian.