7 Out-of-the-Box Ways Cat Parents Can Give Back this Holiday Season

7 Out-of-the-Box Ways Cat Parents Can Give Back this Holiday Season

Only 3% of house cats come from breeders while about 92% find forever homes when in need. This means that cat parents are as amazing as we suspected!

Our kitties provide us with so much joy, so many happy memories, and such an excess of love, many cat parents look for ways around the holidays to give back to other cats and cat lovers as a way to pay the cat-terrific experience of being a cat parent.

So, how can you make the biggest impact for the cat community this holiday season?

1. Volunteer for a Feline-Friendly Organization 

Volunteer at an animal shelter - black kitten in a cage looking to get out


Cat shelters and rescues often have an influx of cats and kittens around the holiday season. Why? People gift their loved ones with kittens, just to find out they’re allergic or not ready for the commitment. And regular volunteers travel for the holiday season, leaving shelters scrambling for extra hands and help. 

Use your strengths to help cats find their forever homes. You can assist with social media, practice your administrative skills by helping with paperwork, or you can get hands-on and help keep the kitty condos clean and fresh. If you love socializing and diving into community events, help with adoption events.

Just think of how much love you can give to a sweet kitty or cat that’s spending the holidays without her own family. 

2. Donate Supplies that Can Help a Shelter Save More Cat Lives

Organizations like the Humane Society do so much to help cats and other furry friends, they deserve a holiday gift.

Rescues don’t just need monetary donations, although money does help them pay their bills. They also need essentials like food and conveniences like toys and treats. And there are the things people don’t think about like 

  • Blankets and sheets
  • Towels
  • Cleaning supplies (bleach, dish soap, laundry detergent, sponges)
  • Newspaper
  • Paper towels
  • Leashes and collars
  • Carriers
  • Nail clippers
  • Cat brushes
  • Food and water bowls
  • Litter boxes and litter
  • Kitten formula and bottles
  • Office supplies like printer paper and pens

different needs. You can always call and ask what your local shelter needs or ask if they have an Amazon wishlist. 

If you don’t already use Amazon Smile to earn money for your local cat rescue, consider adding them as your beneficiary or finding another pet organization that could use the assistance

3. Bring a Foster Cat Home for the Holidays

Bring a Foster Cat Home for the Holidays - close up of a tabby kitten being held


Many shelters and Humane Societies try to clear their facilities to give their staff and volunteers Christmas and New Years off. This gives those hardworking, humble, dedicated cat devotees some much-needed downtime to recuperate before the post-holiday rush. 

How do cat rescues empty their halls for these holidays? Fosters. While many people are aware of this trend when it comes to dogs, cat fosters play a vital role in giving a cat or kitten in-need a warm and loving home and family for the holiday. Cats also catch up on their rest in the peace and quiet of a spare room. And your friends and family will love helping a shelter cat feel like the guest of honor. 

If you have the space and ability, bring a bundle of fur home for a few days to give a shelter much-needed relief and give a sweet cat the opportunity to experience a loving home when it has a massive impact.

4. Help a Neighbor and Nearby Cat in Need

We love the idea of giving back to cats and the community that loves them. One way you can join the effort in making the world a bit better for the cat-mmunity is by assisting a neighbor in need. If you have an elderly or lonely neighbor that you know owns a cat, stop by and drop off a stocking of cat treats, toys, and supplies. Or ask if they need some help cleaning the litter box. 

5. Make the Most of Time Off and Your Talent by Making the World a Bit More Pawsome for Cats

Create DIY cat toys - little girls and a mother making homemade cat toys


If you’re crafty, creative, and ready to make a difference, then build a better world using supplies you probably have lying around the house or garage.

Use an old carrier, hay, retired towels, even a cardboard box to help make a cold cat more comfortable as the temperatures drop. Keep a stray or feral cat keep warm for the winter in a DIY outdoor cat shelter. Put out fresh food and water while you’re at it. 

Create homemade cat stockings for those adopting cats this holiday season. You can even create DIY cat toys to stuff those stockings with. 

6. Help the Earth and End the Cycle of Feral Cats

If you’re feeling really adventurous and want to help the feline world, join in a spay and neuter effort or campaign. While seeing feral cats out in the cold can be heartbreaking, reducing the potential number of strays has a positive impact on our environment. 

Feral cats are not native species, and they’re amazing hunters. This leads to a massive reduction in native rodent and bird populations. Studies even suggest cats are responsible for 33 bird extinctions

When you help capture and spay cats, you can reduce the number of cats that have to live in the cold without the loving comfort of a caring human.

7. Start Your Own Cat Care Campaign

Be the cat-alyst for change. Use your social media and voice to make a difference. How can you start small to make a big difference?

  • Share and post cats available at local shelters. 
  • Educate others on the joy your cat brings to your life. 
  • Collect and ask for shelter donation supplies.
  • Share this article to inform others on small and inexpensive ways to help.
  • Consider fostering or adopting a special needs or senior cat.
  • Host a winter cat shelter workshop

Have a holly, meowy, Christmas, Chauknaka, and holiday season!

Meowy Christmas & Happy Paw-lidays - orange and white fully kitten sitting in a santa hat

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