Must-Haves For First-Time Cat Parents September 28, 2023Ashley Hejlik You’re in the process of bringing a new cat home, and know there is a bunch of stuff you’ll need to make it the best environment for a newbie, but...
Why Is Your Cat Urinating or Pooping Outside the Box & What Can You Do About It? September 22, 2023Ashley Hejlik Discover why your cat might be pooping or peeing outside the litter box and what you can do about it. From litter issues to medical concerns, learn how to help...
How to Successfully Transition Your Cat to a New Litter August 31, 2023Ashley Hejlik Want to switch your cat’s litter? Changing even the smallest things in their environments can induce unnecessary stress. Arm yourself with the best tips and tricks to successfully change your...
What are the Healthiest Cat Litters? August 30, 2023Ashley Hejlik1 comment Finding the healthiest cat litter can be a challenge for cat owners, given the sheer number of options available. Here are some guidelines to help you choose the healthiest cat litter...
Health Hazards of a Dirty Litter Box [UPDATED 2024] August 18, 2023Ashley Hejlik Your cat’s litter box may be putting your cat and your entire household’s health at risk. Learn more about the dangers of a dirty litter box and how to prevent...
Reduce Your Cat’s Litter Box Odor in 5 Simple Steps August 18, 2023Ashley Hejlik Now that you know why your cat's litter box could be so smelly and what's causing excessively stinky pee and poo, it's time learn a few tips to eliminate or mitigate...
What’s the Deal with Cat Litter Odor and What Can You Do About It? August 18, 2023Ashley Hejlik Is battling your cat’s litter odor becoming overwhelming? Do you often wonder what your guests think when they walk into your home? Learn about cat litter odor and how to...
Our Journey in the Soy Innovation Challenge 2022 May 17, 2023Ashley Hejlik Curious about the latest from SoyKitty? Join us as we share our exhilarating journey in the Soy Innovation Challenge 2022, from the early stages to our final pitch. Discover what’s...
Final Stage of the Soy Innovation Challenge: Pitch Day April 25, 2023Ashley Hejlik Curious to see who will win the Soy Innovation Challenge 2022? Watch our latest video capturing the exciting final pitch event, networking moments, and the vibrant agtech ecosystem of St....
Next Step in the Soy Innovation Challenge: Commodity Classic March 17, 2023Ashley Hejlik SoyKitty shines at the 2023 Commodity Classic, taking a bold step forward in the Soy Innovation Challenge. Learn about our exciting recognition, key interactions with industry leaders, a video recap,...
The Start of SoyKitty's Journey: Soy Innovation Challenge Finalist January 09, 2023Ashley Hejlik We’re chosen as a finalist in the Soy Innovation Challenge! Learn more about our journey and the groundbreaking ideas we have that will shape the future of sustainable pet care.
Oh, the Places You’ll Go! - How to Travel with a Pet October 24, 2022Ashley Hejlik If you’re thinking of traveling with your pet, right here is the information you need. I’ll run you through the need-to-knows, whether you’re planning a trip by plane, train or...
Open Your Home and Your Heart: Why You Should Foster Cats October 22, 2022Ashley Hejlik You know that feeling when you see a kitten and you suddenly feel the need to adopt another cat? Maybe you’re like me and you check the local shelter’s website...
How to Raise a Well-Adjusted Cat October 18, 2022Ashley Hejlik All cat parents think their ball of fluff is just the best kitty. Here are a bunch of tips on actually helping your cat to be the best it can...
Pros and Cons of Traveling with Pets October 16, 2022Ashley Hejlik While it’s great fun to have your beloved fur baby with you while traveling, it’s not always smooth sailing (or flying, or driving). Here are the pros and cons of...
Caring for a New Kitten: How to Raise a Happy, Healthy Kitty October 13, 2022Ashley Hejlik Nothing quite melts the heart like a teeny kitten, for sure. To make sure you’re taking the very best care of them at this adorably small age, here’s a how-to...
The Health Benefits of Having a Cat: How Being a Cat Parent is Better For You! October 13, 2022Ashley Hejlik Having a cat is good for you! Far from being another accessory, cats pull their weight in the health and wellbeing department. Here’s the lowdown on all the benefits of...