Open Your Home and Your Heart: Why You Should Foster Cats October 22, 2022Ashley Hejlik You know that feeling when you see a kitten and you suddenly feel the need to adopt another cat? Maybe you’re like me and you check the local shelter’s website...
How to Raise a Well-Adjusted Cat October 18, 2022Ashley Hejlik All cat parents think their ball of fluff is just the best kitty. Here are a bunch of tips on actually helping your cat to be the best it can...
Pros and Cons of Traveling with Pets October 16, 2022Ashley Hejlik While it’s great fun to have your beloved fur baby with you while traveling, it’s not always smooth sailing (or flying, or driving). Here are the pros and cons of...
Caring for a New Kitten: How to Raise a Happy, Healthy Kitty October 13, 2022Ashley Hejlik Nothing quite melts the heart like a teeny kitten, for sure. To make sure you’re taking the very best care of them at this adorably small age, here’s a how-to...
The Health Benefits of Having a Cat: How Being a Cat Parent is Better For You! October 13, 2022Ashley Hejlik Having a cat is good for you! Far from being another accessory, cats pull their weight in the health and wellbeing department. Here’s the lowdown on all the benefits of...